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Calendar of Past Events





Alpha plus Gamma and friends.

Visit to the Bank of England and the Future of Money Exhibition.

‘Can the tooth fairy go cashless? Are cryptoassets money? Who decides how we pay? Money and the way we use it has changed in recent decades. With digital and contactless payments on the rise, the choices we make, as individuals and businesses are having an impact. Futureproofing the economy to meet our needs, now and in the future, is the job of the Bank of England. From digital currencies to the importance of cash in our everyday lives, from sustainability to making sure we have choice and access to different ways to pay, this exhibition responds to questions you have been asking. So, where are we now, and what is the future of money? 

11.00am Fortnum and Mason's in the Royal Exchange Building for coffee.

11.30am we will meet at the Bank of England Museum entrance on Bartholomew Lane, London EC2R 8AH.  (If you are facing the Bank of England’s main entrance on Threadneedle Street, it is around the corner on the right). Bank underground station, plus 4 others, are close by. We will visit the bank and 'The Future of Money' exhibition.

Lunch afterwards at the George and Vulture pub. Please let Diana know if you are joining us.





 All members.

The Great Exhibition Road Festival.

The Exhibition Road Festival has many events planned in museums, on the road, at the Royal Geographical Society etc. Plenty for members and their guests to enjoy.


Meet between 10.45am and at 11.15am for coffee at Carluccios
South Kensington. (Turn left out side the tube, cross the road
and go left. It's almost opposite the tube station). 

Return for lunch all together at Carluccios. 2.30pm. Diana will
book lunch. Please inform her if you will be there.




Gamma - all members.


Visit to Rye. One of the cinque ports.

Our Itinerary. 
We will meet for coffee at about 10.30am at the 'Old Grain Store' which is next to the Rye Tourism and Heritage Centre. Parking is close by and costs just over £4 for 4 hours. It is sited just off the small roundabout at West Street. Sheila can give you full directions.

After coffee (11.30am approx) we will cross the road to the Heritage Centre to see the 'Son et Lumiere' (£3.75 per person) which uses a model town of Rye and tells its exciting history. (Smugglers, murders, ghosts and especially the ongoing raids between the French fishermen and those of Rye. Rye was razed to the ground by the French attackers) This lasts about a quarter of an hour.

Then we will follow the town trail and explore some of the many sites in the town -starting with a walk up Mermaid Street, past the infamous Mermaid Inn (Known as a smugglers inn hundreds of years ago -now very upmarket!),and on to the top of the town past Lamb House (NT), the Town Hall and site of the medieval market, and to the church and clock tower. We will endeavour to coincide our visit with the appearance of the 'Quarter Boys', - a unique spectacle where the 'boys', like cuckoos on a cuckoo clock, pop out and then strike the chimes every quarter hour.

The church is well worth a visit From here we will walk to the Ramparts, with the view out to sea, and its great guns-first given to the town by Queen Elizabeth, to defend the coast against the Spanish! 

Then lunch at the nearby Ypres Castle Inn. (The Ypres Tower and wall date back to 13th century. After lunch -free to explore the town, do some shopping, and departure. 

Please let Sheila know if you intend to join her on the day.             







 All GB Members.


GB State Conference

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, Dulwich village,
London SE21 7AL. 

 All members.

Arrive 10.30am for coffee. 11.00am Claire Purcell, Headteacher,
will give us a tour of the school. Claire will then speak about the
school's experience of  OFSTED.
'Bring and Share' lunch followed by the annual General Meeting.       







Canadian, Finnish and all other DKG members.

A talk about the school systems in Manitoba, Canada and the Tampere area of Finland and Finnish education generally. 

By zoom at 4.00pm





All DKG members.  

A Spring Quiz organised by Anne's friend Gordon. Categories will reflect school subjects and some questions celebrating Women's History Month.

2.00pm by Zoom.

'A special DKG Quiz put together for us by retired girls' grammar school
teacher Gordon. This will be in school subjects and will also celebrate
International Women's Day. Gordon is also a fluent German
speaker, so it can be bilingual too, if our German friends would like to come!'.
Anne Goldstein.

'I attend a few quizzes, but this was one of the best organised, and
presented, one I have attended for a long time. The questions were
a good mixture of difficulty'.  Evelyn Goodsell. 




All members.

A visit to the Wellcome Collection, opposite Euston Station, to see the exhibition 'The Cult of Beauty'.

'The Exhibition questions and celebrates what beauty means to different
communities, particularly marginalised ones, in our world today. It
encourages us to claim agency over our identities and to define beauty
according to our own values'.




All GB members invited plus European members.

Have our schools seen better days? 

Can our schools continue to meet the increasing demands of a well informed population ?

How do teaching teams manage the complex challenges of the 21st Century?

At what cost?  

Liz Day - Retired teacher of Primary and Secondary pupils, Manager, Consultant and Teacher Trainer. Parent,  Grandmother and Alpha Chapter member.

There will be time for questions and discussion. 

2.00pm by Zoom. 





All members invited.

Visit to 2 Temple Place to see the Glass Heart Exhibition.

Exploring glass over the last 170 years. Showcased as 'an experimental art form, an endangered traditional skill and an expression of historic industry'. 





All GB Members

Prof. Dennis Tourish will speak on 'Cults'.

Dennis is a Professor of Leadership and Organisation Studies.
He has researched the dark side of leadership; leadership and organisational effectiveness; hubris in leadership; research misconduct; and, influence processes within organisations that can be described as cults.
Dennis works at the university of Sussex.

Organised by Sheila Roberts.

By Zoom at 2.00pm.

See article on the News page.





 All European  Members.  St Lucia Day Celebration.

Please send pictures, photographs, poems etc to Anne Goldstein about what light means to you. this will be our contribution to this European event.

 By Zoom 





 Alpha Members. A visit to the Fashion City Exhibition 'How Jewish Londoners shaped global style'. At the Museum of London: Docklands, this is followed by lunch. 

Meet for coffee at the Ledger Building 10.30am to 11.00am. Book yourself into the Exhibition on-line. 11.15 or 11.45 (Half hour slots).

Lunch at the Henry Addington pub 1.30.p.m -3.30.p.m. 







 Gamma Members.

Pre-Christmas 'bring and share' lunch at Sandra Blacker's house.

          Sandra retrieving the biscuits!    




 All members.

Children's literature and Reading to children. Anne Goldstein to introduce her recent experience of reading with young children.

We're delighted to welcome Mara Bergman. Mara is an award winning author of children's books - you may know her from the Oliver series - and she is also Senior Commissioning Editor of fiction at Walker Books. She's also a splendid poet.

Open member discussion and views. Bring your favourite children's book along, first influences, favourite books, authors.

2.00pm Zoom meeting.






 All members.

Art and Well Being.
Meet artist Jess Levine

Jess is a mixed media collage artist and tutor, who leads many wonderful workshops to get people engaged in making art together. She is inclusive and cares about art to promote positive mental health. Jess is presently based in Ulverston. We're delighted she has agreed to do our session before going off to teach. 

Time: 10:30 AM London Zoom meeting.





Gamma with Alpha and guests.

Visit to Ightham Moat, Sevenoaks, Kent.

'The most complete small medieval manor house in the county'. National Trust.

Exhibition: Country Houses, Jewish homes. Explore the role of Jewish Country houses in Britain, the prejudice encountered and how Jewish people fought for the right to acquire land and play a full role in British society.

The website says: 'We reveal Ightham Mote’s surprising and hidden Jewish history through the lives of its former owners Sir Thomas and Lady Mary Colyer-Fergusson, née Cohen.

Highlights include talks, displays of Victorian evening dress, a classical music soiree and a contemporary music installation by acclaimed sculptor Anish Kapoor.'





 Gamma with Alpha and guests.

Visit to Sissinghurst, Kent to see the castle and grounds. National Trust property.

Extensive grounds, vast lake and woodland, included in the car park fee. NT members free. Car park for non-NT members £4 and garden visit £16. No guide but maps available for everybody.

Free access to the NT shop and restaurant. Lunch on site at the restaurant. Sheila Roberts will circulate details closer to the date.

Staplehurst is the nearest railway station.





 All GB Members

Finland and the Future.

2.00pm Zoom meeting.

Feedback on their experiences at the conference in Tampere Finland from the GB Members who attended.





Alpha plus Gamma

Summer Outing

Informal, exploratory visit to Kings Cross.  This has now become a very popular leisure/entertainment area, with parks, art exhibitions, canal walks etc., and a wide variety of places to eat. Full details to be confirmed in July.






 All DKG Members

DKG International Conference in Tampere, Finland.

For all information check or The Finnish DKG website through





 All DKG Members

A visit to Somerset House. There are a range of galleries, exhibitions, tours - some free, some paying. Check their website to book tours etc.

Two 0n-site cafes for coffee / light lunch.
Meet 11.00am at Watch House, East Wing.






 All DKG Members.

Tudeley Church, near Tonbridge,  Kent. A guided visit to see the famous Mark Chagall windows. Meet at 11.00am.

Total cost £6 per person (£3 donation to church maintenance, plus £3 towards the guide's fee) payable to Sandra on the day.

Pub lunch at The Poachers, close to the church, to follow at 1.00pm.

Contact Sandra or Evie who are organising it for more information.





 All DKG Members.


Visit to the 'Great Exhibition Road Festival' in south Kensington.  Entrance tickets are free to events in the museums.  You can go online to order tickets. For those who would prefer, email Diana, who will order tickets but she must have your order by 30th April.  Family/friends welcome.  Meeting time and place will be decided once numbers are known. 11.00am at South Kensington tube Station, museum tunnel entrance.  

For those who would like a post-visit get together Diana has offered to organise lunch for us when numbers are known, probably 2.30.p.m. Please contact her to arrange this when you have booked.  There will be a great deal to see, it should be a very good day.



Visit to the Great Exhibition Road Festival.




 All DKG Members.

European Event. 

GB's Europe Education Presentation: 

"My best teachers had faith in me"

LGBTQ+. Speaker, Duncan Lustig-Prean.

5.30pm by Zoom.


                                          Photographer Chris Jepson 




All DKG Members.

Coronation theme - we are looking for anecdotes, photos, poems, recipes, memorabilia etc. for 1953/2023. All contributions to Anne who is collating for this presentation.

Dress code red, white and blue.

10.30am by Zoom

A 12 page booklet, containing all the Coronation memories from the meeting prints here. Print all 3 A4 pages. Fold each page into four and put the booklet together. 






All DKG Members.  

Granville Hancox MBE (pictured right with Di Billam) will speak about Music and its role and importance in education.

2.00pm by Zoom.




 All GB Members  

GB State Annual General Meeting.

10.30am by Zoom.



11th and 25th



Separate Alpha and Gamma Chapter Meetings.

"Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today". 

Barbara Kern will be speaking about her volunteering experience with dementia groups using reminiscence therapy. 

In person meetings at both Alpha and Gamma

Alpha members (and any Gamma members who wish to attend). Bring and share lunch from 12.15pm at Diana Bell's house. The meeting begins at 2.00pm.

Gamma members (and any Alpha members who wish to attend) 25th March. Meet at Sandra's house at 12.00 noon. Bring and share lunch followed by meeting at 2.00pm.

Please confirm with Joan if you are attending.


Barbara Kern, left, with Joan Carroll, being thanked by Alpha Chapter






All members and guests.

Poet Jane Liddell King and photographer Marion Davies will speak about their collaborative work, "Faces in the Void". Czech survivors of the holocaust.

Inspired by a Czech scroll used in a Cambridge synagogue, they have combined words and photographs that hauntingly complement each other in these stories of Czech Holocaust survivors of the Second World War.

 Zoom meeting at 6.15pm. 





All members and their guests.

DKG is starting 2023 with a Zoom with Farhad Poupel. 
A charming and enthusiastic young Iranian composer presently based in Sevenoaks, Kent. 

Farhad Poupel is currently the holder of the prestigious Global Talent visa which allows him to work on a range of composition projects with an international community of musicians.He will be telling us about education in Iran and his path to becoming a composer. 

As his work is international, it would be wonderful to welcome our European and other DKG friends by Zoom at 2.00pm - 3.00pm





All GB members and their guests.


Coffee at the Nero Express - (Caffe Nero) Unit SU39, 39 St Thomas Street, London Bridge Station, London SE1 3QX. It's on the the Guy's Hospital side of London Bridge station between 11.15 - 11.30am. There is seating inside, and outside. We can then enjoy a leisurely stroll/exploration round Borough Market and the riverside area.

Southwark Cathedral may be open to visitors if they don't have an event or service taking place. They have an interesting gift shop that will be open.

We have a booking for 1.30pm at Giuseppe's Place - Giuseppe’s Ristorante Italiano, 47/49 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1NB. It’s an Italian restaurant near Borough Market. Meet up there at 1.20. It is on the London Bridge side (East side) of Borough High Street, a short walk, going away from the river, from the London Bridge Underground exit on that street. 

The entrance, highlighted in the Italian national colours, is just on the corner of Borough High Street in a small lane - Kings Head Yard, and there are stairs down to the restaurant in the basement.


Christmas Get Together.

Chapters will hold 'in person' events to suit members.

Gamma is holding a pre-Christmas party at Sandra's house.

Bring and Share' lunch from 11.30am.

Alpha is meeting near Borough Market for a wander and lunch.





 All members.

The Power of Music, Aileen Dickson put this together at short notice. 

Here is the Youtube link if you missed the session. 





All members.

Our speaker will be the dynamic Siobhan Daniels, former BBC South East reporter and producer. She will be talking about her new book 'Retirement Rebel' which is out on 20 October and which is about how she changed her life at 60. 

Approaching retirement and frustrated with her job, Siobhan Daniels made a BIG decision: to start living life on her own terms. Rather than hiding from life’s challenges, she bought a motorhome and drove off to find them. 

She says, "Age shouldn’t be a barrier to having an adventure!" 


 Read about the meeting here.





All Members.

 Religious Education Today.

Rachel, a Secondary School Chaplain and Peter Hammerton, a RE teacher  will speak on: What is the purpose of RE in both faith and non religious schools?  What is the new Worldviews approach?  

 Zoom at 2.00pm 

 Read about the meeting here.




  All GB Members.

Visit Greenwich 

A Thames River trip from Westminster  to Greenwich -  Sightseeing Cruise, or take a train from London Bridge to Greenwich.

Greenwich Park has two cafes and one coffee stall. 

Sights to see include:- The Cutty Sark, National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich Market and the Queen's Orchard. 





 All DKG Members.

 Films and Film Making.

Jeanne Pope from Anne's local film group. 

Zoom meeting at the earlier time of 10.00am. 

We will welcome international film maker and educator
Jeanne Pope to talk about her work.

Jeanne is presently making a film about the historical
Woodbury Park Cemetery in Tunbridge Wells.




All DKG members.


Members are invited to send in photos of a memorable holiday with a short explanation - for a presentation. (Photos to be sent to Anne to collate).

Andy Rudge, pictured right, our speaker telling us about life and experiences working on a cruise ship.

Zoom meeting at 2.00pm.





Gamma and Alpha Members.


Bring and share lunch at Sheila Robert's house.

Meet at Sheila's for coffee at around 11am. There will be a presentation on Leadership - and the Hubris that often accompanies it. It is informative but also amusing.

The presenter is Prof Dennis Tourish, Royal Holloway University, (but since moved to Brighton University).





All DKG Members invited.  Ukraine

Two speakers on the implications of hosting refugees plus Ukranian recipe. Please wear blue and yellow.

Zoom 2.00pm.





 All GB Members invited.


GB State Conference

AGM Only, by Zoom.

10.30am. Finishes by 12.00 noon.





All GB and European  members invited.


Zoom at 5.30pm UK time.

Passionate about science, Christina Astin will speak about getting more girls interested in science.

With her science teaching background Christina's work now encompasses school partnerships, science consultancy, STEM outreach and team / leadership coaching. She was a finalist for new science presenter on Tomorrow's World, can be heard on Radio Kent and is Kent Secondary Science Advisor.

Such an interesting career, do check her out on the web.





All Members invited.

Women's Safety

We will be welcoming Caroline Auckland, the inspiring President of Tunbridge Wells Soroptimists, to talk about the Women's Safety campaign that the group has been involved with. 

2.00pm via Zoom. 

Read more in the News Section.





All Members invited.

Anne Goldstein gave a talk about


See News Section. 





All Members invited.


Theatre Theme

Anne Goldstein has arranged a Zoom meeting on Theatre at 2pm.  We will be welcoming Sue Rosner, pictured far right, retired Head of Drama, to tell us about volunteering as an usher at the Globe Theatre, 

We will also welcome Phil Philmar, -pictured right with his book of short plays - an actor who stars in the latest James Bond film No Time To Die. He'll tell us about his acting roles and share some of his humorous poetry!

 More in the News Section.





 Gamma and guests from Alpha.

Christmas at Sandra's House.

Bring and share lunch.







 All members and guests.

Christmas Zoom 2pm, joint hosted by Penny Kinnear and Anne Goldstein. Please dress Christmassy - red, white and green colours or your best Christmas jumpers!

Please bring along a favourite Christmas poem to read, a Christmas joke, a reflection, memory of Christmas in your classroom or of past Christmases to remember. We would love to hear about your Christmas customs.


Here is a Christmas craft challenge for you all...a 3D paper reindeer. There is an instruction video on the website so let's all have a try and see who's got the cutest reindeer! Please bring them to the Zoom and each reindeer should have a name!


       Margarita Hanschmidt, our Regional director and Penny

       Kinnear, Alpha Chapter President, get into

       the Christmas Spirit.






All members and guests.

The Basque Children of 1937

In 1937, 4000 Basque child refugees arrived at Southampton on the SS Habana, fleeing the Spanish Civil War. The Beacon in Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells was one of the 'colonias' (colonies) that welcomed the children. Anne Goldstein, who took part in a local community play which told the children's story, will talk about her research into the rescue. She will highlight the remarkable women who made it happen.

Zoom presentation at 2.00pm



           Anne pictured in her Suffragette colours.





All members and guests

Sally Anne Olivier

 A talk on the effect that Visual Perception problems have on Education.

This presentation provides an exciting opportunity for delegates to learn more about the problems and the research work that has led to addressing and in many cases, overcoming, a range of distressing symptoms linked to Visual Perceptional Stress.

Live presentation at 2.00pm, Diana Bell's house. 

12.15pm for bring and share lunch.


            Introduction and background to Sally Anne’s
            work on visual perceptual stress.

           How the questionnaire analyses problems
           and discovers unknown ones. 

           Handouts for practice.

           Video of Dyslexia Breakthrough and children
          who took part in the Newham trials.

          Hands on working with the tints
          and how to find individual preferences.

          Practical help for teachers in the
          classroom environment.





All GB Members and European Members

 Jane Liddell-King

Educated at South Hampstead High School for Girls and Girton College, poet, critic and dramatist, Jane Liddell-King continues to supervise Cambridge university students.

Jane is the great niece of Ida King, first black Girtonian and teacher. She will give a talk entitled:-

 'The Colour of Success'

Jane's talk will raise questions: What was Ida's sense of identity? What prompted her life choices? How was she perceived? What questions regarding education does her cultural value system raise? 

2.00pm by Zoom.





All GB Members
Annual General Meeting

Coffee at 10.45. Meeting starts at 11.30am until 12.30. Then a bring and share lunch.

A chance to meet in person. 

Venue is Diana Bell's house.

Agenda and further details closer to the date.




Alpha and Gamma Chapters plus European Members

Post Olympics and Pre Paralympics Meeting.

 Zoom at 2.00pm.

Dorcas's Japan themed quiz.

Please bring a mystery object to show from a different
country and we'll see if we can guess where it's from.

Extra kudos for making your own medal to wear....
or getting the grandchildren to do's some

Wearing something from another country would be fun!







Alpha and Gamma Chapters plus European Members

Out of the Pandemic.

Personal hopes and reflections. A celebratory Zoom meeting 2.00pm.

Experiences from the time of the pandemic and hope for the future, with contributions on Optimism, Happiness and Hope using photos, artwork, music, poetry, film etc from everyone.

We made water lilies out of paper waxed on one side,
floated them in water and watched them unfurl.

Thi showed us a real water lily from her garden.






Alpha Chapter plus Gamma and European Members

Sydenham Garden – Why So Special? 

This resource centre, tucked away in a south-east London suburb, is a green and calming environment. The centre aims to support people to recover from their mental and physical ill-health through gardening and creative activities working in small groups.

Sydenham Garden also runs some groups for those with early dementia.

Barbara will describe her involvement with this charity where she is a volunteer.

Also, with the arrival of Covid19 and the lockdown and the enormous challenges posed, completely new ways of working to continue supporting the group members had to be devised.

Barbara will also tell about her involvement with a special animation film project which one of the dementia groups at the Garden worked on.

2.00pm by Zoom.







Alpha and Gamma Chapters, plus members from Europe
East End Suffragettes.

At 2.00pm this virtual Zoom tour will be led by the famous local historian David Rosenberg, author of the best selling book 'Rebel Footprints.' 

An exciting Zoom live guided tour of the East End of London, 
telling the story of the dynamic and brave East End of London
suffragettes, who were led by Sylvia Pankhurst. They believed
the vote for women would improve pay, working conditions,
housing and children's health. 

As David is a professional tour guide, we are asking for £7
before 1st April from each of us to cover his costs. Please
can you make this payable to the DKG State Account, which
is 80979392  sort code   20-88-13 Please add the initials SUFF
before your name. For payment in Euros contact Anne Goldstein.





Alpha and Gamma Chapters.

Annual General Meeting

10.00am Zoom

Cancelled due to State President being in hospital after a fall. 

 Due to Covid restrictions we are having

a Zoom AGM rather than a full state conference.




Alpha and Gamma Chapters, plus members from Europe

Impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on U.K. education

Hear a panel of nine contributors involved in education as teachers and students from primary to tertiary levels tell their experiences of the last year.  There will be opportunities for discussion and questions as we build a picture of what has happened and what will need to be done as we try to move into some sort of normality.





Alpha and Gamma Chapters, plus members from Europe

Why are minority ethnic teachers still under represented in the profession? What challenges do they face? We meet some inspiring BAME teachers who are real leaders in their field. Headteacher Marva Rollins OBE and her son Adrian, a Deputy Headteacher and Ofsted Inspector, both passionate about education.


Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Teachers.

2.00pm Zoom






Alpha and Gamma Chapters, plus members from Europe

We welcome two women who are making an impact on others' lives. Emily Chalke, pictured left, has set up Ella's House, a house for trafficked women. Pippa Doran, pictured right, is a volunteer for Tunbridge Wells Welcomes Refugees.


Women Transforming the Community.

2.00pm Zoom





Alpha and Gamma Chapters, plus members from The Netherlands and Germany

Manni from the Sikh community will be joining us with her charming young son Deen to show how they celebrate Diwali at home. Meena from the Hindu community will also speak on Diwali. Please bring along a symbol of light, whether it's a lamp, candle, or lantern. We'll also hear about Chanukah from Sandra Blacker and we will set you a special seasonal cooking challenge as our last one was so popular!

Festivals of light.

Meeting at 2.00pm by Zoom.

Arranged by Anne Goldstein.

Followed by a quiz organised by Dorcas Rogers.





Alpha and Gamma Chapters

plus guests and German members 


We welcome Tanya, (Top left on the Zoom picture) who made the remarkable decision to live as a woman when she was 65. Now 70, she will be sharing her moving life journey with us. We will also learn what the terms 'gender fluid' and 'non-binary' mean. What does being a woman mean?  Come with your reflections.





All Members and Guests

GB State Conference

Please view GB News for conference reports


information regarding the conference.




  Alpha and Gamma Chapters

Zoom meeting at 2.00pm with Linda L Itoka Ed.D.  Live from  Indianapolis.
Dr Linda Itoka will speak on:-
Recommendations from the literature stated that teacher education
programs must assist prospective teachers in becoming culturally
responsive educators thereby, upholding the democratic intention
of educational equity and social justice in public school classrooms.
The disproportionate rate of suspensions for African American and
Latino male public school students may be related to the cultural
responsive proficiencies of teachers.  
The key questions which guided the review of the literature
regarded what cultural responsive looked like in practice and what
teachers and administrators did to keep students from being
excluded from the benefits of a quality education. The conclusion
of the review was that by preparing leaders and teacher educators
to be culturally competent, improved student academic achievement
could be accomplished.  

For a biography of Dr Itoka, please click here.




 Alpha and Gamma Chapters


Zoom picnic and Activities.

12.30 - 14.00.

You are invited join us for our virtual summer picnic. Don’t let Covid 19
top us being together for a summer outing. Choose your favourite
summer picnic food (quiche, sandwiches, crab, prawns, scotch eggs,
strawberries and cream, jelly, ..... what are your favourites) add
your favourite summer picnic drink (pimms, homemade lemonade,
chilled white wine or Prosecco, Bucks Fizz). Lay them out on your
dining room or study table or out in the garden and then join us on
zoom. In addition join us in the possibility of winning three special
prizes as you compete for the winning position in a general knowledge
quiz, and two different alphabet twisters.  






Zoom Business Meeting, starting at 12.00 noon.





Gamma Chapter


Alpha Chapter

Sandra Blacker, pictured right, and Anne Goldstein are leading a Zoom meeting at 2pm on
'The Joy of Jewish Food.' 
We'll be talking about our food traditions and how this has been shaped by our culture, dietary rules, festivals and Shabbat. We will welcome our friend Annette, who will give a demonstration of how to plait challah bread!
We suggest Sandra and I speak from 2pm - 2.40pm , and then we all log back in for tea, cake and DKG chat for session two.

Here's how you can help. We know you are great cooks. We are asking you
to volunteer to bake a Jewish cake or biscuit recipe, bring it to the Zoom to
show.  If you are keen, please contact me for a recipe - some are nice and
easy and lots don't include flour! - and I will send the links across to you.




Alpha Chapter


Gamma Chapter 

Alpha will be holding a Zoom meeting  at 2:00pm when Dorcas Rogers will give a presentation:-.
“The lived experience in the highs and lows of the roller coaster that is Covid-19 lockdown".






2.00pm   Tina O'Connor, a Personal Pupil Advisor will be speaking about her work.

Q&A session to follow.

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, Dulwich Village.

Bring and share Lunch 12.45pm.







Business Meeting and talk about Dementia.

'Dementia Friends' with Joe Mendell

10:00 for 10:30 at Beechwood School, Tunbridge Wells.







 Main Business Meeting.

Holy Trinity Church Hall. Bryan Road, Rotherhithe

Bring and share lunch 12.30pm.







Artificial Intelligence

Joyce Evans

Joyce was educated in the UK and following graduation with degrees in Physics she accepted a research fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, USA. She spent over 40 years in the US doing research in universities and industry, teaching in university and private secondary schools and 25 years of these years working in the Federal Government as a Program Director in the National Science Founda-tion.   She returned to the UK in 2016.

10:00 for 10:30 at Beechwood School, Tunbridge Wells








2.00pm Dulwich Hamlet Junior School. 

Nuala Garvey will speak about Apprenticeships. Q & A session to follow. 

Nuala has over 20 years’ experience in Learning and Development supporting colleges, training providers and an awarding body to continually improve the management of their quality assurance provision in delivering Professional and Apprenticeship programmes.  She currently works for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development as an External Quality Advisor.  She is also Lead Internal Quality Assurer at Sutton College and London Learning Consortium on apprenticeship programmes.   Her work involves responding to and keeping abreast of national legislation and guidance from the Institute of Apprenticeships, OFSTED and ESFA. Nuala is passionate about raising potential through apprenticeship delivery.

 Raffle. bring and share lunch 12.45.







Cancelled because of illness.

Christmas Party 
at home of Sheila Roberts
Morvan House, Shoreham Lane, St Michael's, Tenterden. TN30 6EG

 To begin with we will have an interesting talk by  Harry Roberts

A Nomadic Life: Deserts, Outback and other such places.








11.30am. Meet in the foyer of the Museum of London: Docklands. No.1 Warehouse, Hertsmere Rd, West India Quay, London E14 4AL). 1.00 Lunch in the Ledger Rooms at the Weatherspoons close to the Museum and then afterwards a walk around the area. (Please note that the Winter light display is not there until January).  









2.00pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Bryan Road, Rotherhithe

Anne Krisman Goldstein, a member of Gamma chapter, is nationally known for her work on Religious Education for children with special needs. She has been commended in the national Teaching Awards. She works with the website RE:online, loves Circle Dance and is a trustee of her local Community Cinema.  Anne will be taking the theme ‘Inspirational Stories’ and will share some favourite stories from the different world faiths, as well as some from her own Jewish family history.

Bring and share lunch from 12.30pm.  









Bex Dean-Skinner

Bex Dean-Skinner will show us the skills of  beading.  This will be a practical session and you will have the opportunity to make a Christmas item.  She will also have examples of her exquisite work for sale which are ideal for Christmas presents.

10:00 for 10:30 at Beechwood School, Tunbridge Wells







Life as a War Artist

Graeme Lothian 

Graeme will be talking about his life as a War Artist although he does not see himself as that. He usually paints en plein air anything that takes his fancy. His first tour was as the artist to the hospital in Camp Bastion which was, for him, fascinating. He kept being asked back and subsequently went out with the infantry soldiers on patrols in Helmand Province. He met inspirational people on these travels. One of the highlights of his painting career was setting up his easel in the hills high above Kabul, in body armour with soldiers guarding him as he looked down on the cityabout. 
He and is going to bring along some examples of his work and other memorabilia.

  A meeting not to be missed!

10:00 for 10:30 at Beechwood School, Tunbridge Wells,







 Main Business Meeting. 2.00pm.

Agenda will be circulated. Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, Dulwich Village, London SE21 7AL.

 Bring and share lunch 12.45pm.  







Chocolate Museum, Brixton

11.45 meet at Brixton underground. the session begins at 12.00 noon where we make our own chocolates and then visit the museum. Followed by lunch locally.







Liz Goddard


Impressions 30 years on

Liz will give us her personal impressions on a return to Malawi 30 years after last teaching at the University there.

10:00 for 10:30

at Beechwood School, Tunbridge Wells





 Alpha Chapter

Visit STIR Cafe for lunch. 23 Anglesea Road, London SE18 6EG.

Run by Bridge Support (full information in our GB News Summer edition). Meet for coffee at 11.00am outside the DLR entrance to Woolwich Arsenal Station by the Costa Cafe. There is a larger cafe and market near by. Lunch at 12.30 followed by a local walk through the Woolwich Arsenal site to the River Thames.

Stir is a social enterprise café, promoting wellbeing and recovery. Recognising the link between what we eat and how we feel, the café offers good mood food where it can to boost mood levels. Wherever possible Stir uses freshly grown herbs and vegetables from their allotment, as well as coffee beans from a local supplier in Kent.

The café also provides a bridge back into employment, using a volunteer team who want to gain work experience before moving on to paid employment. 






Gamma Chapter

  Summer Party 
at home of Sheila Roberts
Morvan House, Shoreham Lane, St Michael's, Tenterden. TN30 6EG

From 11 am.

Sheila will supply coffee and biscuits and has generously offered  to provide the main meal and drinks .
Suggestions for volunteers to add to the meal are a salad,or dessert.
There is a warm swimming pool (indoors-ie in a glass enclosure) so bring swimmies if you would like a dip.


We look forward to hearing whether you can join






Alpha chapter

Main Business Meeting. 2.00pm.

Bring & Share lunch 12.45pm.

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, Dulwich Village, London SE21 7AL.





 Alpha Chapter  


Join us at the wonderful Royal Society Summer Exhibition.

 11.00am inside the entrance.





Alpha Chapter 

Visit to Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery.

Meet at Ealing Broadway Tube at 11.00am.





Gamma Chapter    

Sue Walton will update us on what is happening at the Pestalozzi Village and what the future holds for them.

Pestalozzi has been providing educational opportunities for some of the world’s most disadvantaged young people for over 60 years. In the early years the beneficiaries were young children from conflict zones but since the late 1990s the focus has been on providing high achieving, low income students with scholarships to enable them to complete their secondary education. Sue Walton, Pestalozzi’s CEO, will be sharing some of the stories and successes of Pestalozzi’s amazing alumni as well as explaining the exciting developments in the charity’s new programme of support.




Alpha  Chapter

2.00pm Local speaker Sue Aldred, plus two colleagues, will speak about the benefits of singing for better breathing.

Q & A session to follow.

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, SE21 7AL.





Gamma Chapter  

Circle Dancing with Sue Constance.

Come and explore the origins of Circle Dance.  Find out about the cultural influences, similarities and differences between countries and regions as you try for yourself the steps and patterns of these intricate dances.  You don’t need a partner or any special equipment just come along and enjoy yourself.  You will be surprised at how beautiful the dances are and what a wonderful way to keep fit!  Looking forward to seeing you there.

10:00 for 10:30 at Beechwood School, Tunbridge Wells.








Gamma Chapter





Portage in Kent

Tracy Harvey

 10:00 for 10:30

Beechwood School, Tunbridge Wells





 Alpha Chapter

2.00pm Lavinia Soul, pictured far right, will speak about her experience of flying around Australia in a small 'plane. Anna Evans will speak about her travels in South Africa. 

Q & A Session and update meeting for the book project.

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, Dulwich Village, SE21 7AL.

Bring and share lunch starts at 12.45pm. 





2nd March

Gamma chapter


Picasso and His  Women

Liz Strang

Picasso’s life could be described as a collage of his woman.   Beginning – naturally - with his mother and his sister followed by his early mistresses Fernande and Eva.  We see how his portraits of these women show his early development and experiments in cubism. Then come his depictions of the 5 most significant women in his life, his first wife, the Russian Olga Khoklova and then his “aphrodite” Marie Therese Walter, and the stormy revelation of his affair with her in 1932.   Later come Dora Maar, the only one  with whom he spoke his native Spanish, Francoise Gilot, the mother of two of his children and finally his second wife Jacqueline Rocque.  We look at how his styles change when each is in the ascendancy, how the character of each influenced him and how the different ways in which he depicted them show the variations and developments of his multi-fceted work.




Alpha Chapter

2.00pm Business Meeting at Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, SE21 7AL.

Includes Books to be given away to schools locally.

Bring and share lunch at 12.45.





Gamma Chapter

 Jean Brushfield

Body Language

I became interested in the subject when I went on the 3 month General Management Course
at Henley Management College, an
took it as one of my options.






Dr Margaret Lobo and  Lindsay McHale 

The Music Therapy Trust 

A fascinating and thought provoking talk about music therapy and how it can help in a clinical setting to facilitate: quality of life, social, cognitive and motor skills and speech and communication in children and adults.

Music therapy is the clinical evidence based use of music interventions to accomplish individualised goals within a theraputic relationship by an accredited professional who has completed an approved music therapy programme.

There was an excellent Q & A Session to follow.

Bring and share lunch at 12.45pm.

2.00pm Dulwich Hamlet Junior School SE21 7AL.

Lindsey McHale, Dr Margaret Lobo and Penny Kinnear, Alpha Chapter President. Alpha Chapter members below.





 Alpha Chapter

Christmas Celebration

10.30am Art Activity and lunch, finish at 3.00pm.

Holy Trinity Church Hall

Bryan Road, Rotherhithe






Gamma Chapter

Life as a Humanist Celebrant

Pat Jay

10:00 for 10:30

Beechwood School, Tunbridge Well

Thank you Delta Kappa Gamma for inviting me to lead a discussion about Humanist Ceremonies I’ll touch on the what? who? where? why? of my work and experiences as local Humanist Celebrant and   any other questions that arise.
    You don’t have to be a humanist to have a humanist ceremony!  Just to want a warm, meaningful occasion, professionally conducted and reflecting your own wishes, based on life rather than a religious text. Humanist .
     Celebrants create, write and conduct ceremonies to mark the big moments in life:  Namings, weddings, funerals, memorials.

I look forward to meeting you!




 Alpha Chapter  

Implementation Session

(Ideas from the Revitalisation Meeting)

2.00pm Dulwich Hamlet Junior School SE21 7AL

12.45pm 'Bring and share' lunch.





Revitalize GB State.

All members especially welcome.

Meet at Number 63 Bayswater Road, London W2 3PH From 9.30am for a 10.00am start.

Buffet lunch provided.





Gamma Chapter  

The Darvell Community, Robertsbridge

Rebekah Domer

Rebekah is a member of the Darvell Bruderhof Community .  She works as a volunteer hospice chaplain and has recently published a book, “Broken but Blessed: Journeying from Pain to Peace with Unlikely Guides.”  She will have copies of her book available at the event

Rebekah will share with us about the ethos of the Bruderhof Community’s life together, their views on the education of children, and family life.  She will be happy to engage in discussion and answer any questions.

10:00 for 10:30

Beechwood School, Tunbridge Wells




Alpha Chapter


Full  Business meeting 

 2.00pm at Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, SE21 7AL.

 12.45 pm 'Bring and share' lunch





Gamma Chapter

Visit to home of Sheila Roberts

Marvan House, Shoreham Lane, St Michael's, Tenterden. TN30 6EG

11 am.

Sheila will supply coffee and biscuits and has generously offered  to provide a  Coronation Chicken dish and a lemon ice cream. Wine, water and soft drinks will also be available.

Suggestions for volunteers to add to the meal are a pasta salad, a green salad and a veggie salad-for example tomato or carrot or whatever. People may prefer to bring a dessert-au choix!

There is a warm swimming pool (indoors-ie in a glass enclosure) so bring swimmies if you would like a dip.

We look forward to hearing whether you can join us.






Alpha Chapter


2.00pm Helen Mead. Helen with her colleague Maimunat will talk about the work of the Greenwich Migrant Hub which supports vulnerable migrant families in Greenwich and the surrounding boroughs with problems regarding housing, employment, education etc.

Unfortunately this could not take place.

12.30pm Bring and share lunch. Speaker, followed by a Business meeting. Discussion session regarding revitalisation. 

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School SE21.






Gamma Chapter

  Visit to Herstmonceaux Castle

BN27 1RN

Meet at 11am at Chestnut Tea Room









Alpha Chapter

 The Royal Society Summer Exhibition - a 'must see' experience.

Meet at the entrance to The Royal Society at 11.00am.


 The photographs shows members at one of the 22 exhibits - this one  about 'Guardians of the Gut'.











Alpha Chapter

Alpha Chaper Summer Outing to Greenwich. 

We meet at 11:00am on the concourse at the foot of Canada Tower outside the main entrance/exit at Canary Wharf Station. We journey to Heron Quays Station on the DLR and travel to Island Gardens (Isle of Dogs). A short walk will take us straight to the North Tower which is the entrance to the Greenwich Foot Tunnel, (lift available).
     A lift at the South Tower (or spiral staircase) will bring us out close to the Cutty Sark, now being refurbished. We will look at Greenwich Market, the National Maritime Museum and then have lunch and walk up to the Observatory and admire the views across London.
Mid afternoon we travel back via boat to Westminster.


 Alpha Members at Greenwich





 Alpha Chapter

Brunei Gallery at SOAS,

Visit to the Brunei Gallery at the School of Oriental and African Studies (Russell Square tube). Admission free. 


Friday 13th

 - Sunday

15th April



Specialist Provision in Education

Antoinette Hotel Kingston
Beaufort Road
London, KT1 2TQ

For full details follow link

 Eirinn Carroll is in her final year as a student of The Brit School - a school founded and supported by the entertainment industry.  As a singer Eirinn studies in the Music strand of the school and will talk about her life as a student there with some musical interludes to describe her experience and entertain us."




Gamma Chapter

Works of Feeling,
Pre Raphaelite Book Illustration
Amanda-Jane Doran

Amanda-Jane Doran worked as Publishing Manager and Curator for Punch magazine for fifteen years. At present, she is cataloguing Victorian illustrated books in the Royal Academy Library and is a freelance writer and lecturer

Beechwood School Tunbridge Wellls.





 Alpha Chapter

Lindsay McHale speaking on 'Music Therapy in Africa' had to be cancelled.

Claire Purcell, Head of School, pictured on the left, gave a very interesting talk about the school  website and updated us on aspects of education at Dulwich Hamlet Junior School.

Venue: Dulwich Hamlet Junior School, Dulwich Village, London SE21 7AL

Bring and share lunch from 12.30pm.





 Alpha Chapter

Visit to the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising.

Founded by social historian Robert Opie, the museum tells the story of product marketing from Victorian times until today.

Exhibits range from tins of shoe polish to cereal boxes, radios and vacuum cleaners. 

New display on Sustainable Packaging.








Alpha Chapter 


Harriet Goodman - 'Philosophy for Children (P4C)'.

 2.00pm Holy Trinity Church Hall, Bryan Road, Rotherhithe.

Bring your own sandwich for lunch. Raffle. Parking in the Church Car Park.






 Alpha Chapter

Christmas Visit to The Charterhouse, Charterhouse Square, EC1M 6AN.

This year The Charterhouse opened its doors to the public - the first time since its foundation in 1348. It has served as a monastery, private mansion, school and almshouse.

Followed by lunch at the Fox and Anchor. 







Alpha Chapter

Last minute change of speaker as Lindsay McHale is travelling due to business.

Mental Health - an insight on the role of psychiatric health workers today

Anne Ross, Mental Health Worker

Holy Trinity Church Hall. 3 Bryan Road, Rotherhithe, London SE16 5HF





Alpha Chapter

Tour of Dulwich Hamlet Junior School. 

14th October, 2.00pm. Claire Purcell will guide us on a tour of Dulwich Hamlet Junior School - an outstanding and technically very up-to-date school. 

Cancelled due to illness. 

Alternate programme:  Coffee in Dulwich Village followed by a meeting and visit to Dulwich Picture Gallery.  






The Basque Children of 1937

In 1937, 4000 Basque child refugees arrived at Southampton on the SS Habana, fleeing the Spanish Civil War. The Beacon in Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells was one of the 'colonias' (colonies) that welcomed the children. Anne Goldstein, who took part in a local community play which told the children's story, will talk about her research into the rescue. She will highlight the remarkable women who made it happen.

Zoom presentation at 2.00pm

Anne is pictured right in Suffragette mode!